Gods Family
We take passion in promoting Gods family ideals.
Gods true intention for man was for him to be fruitfull and multiply. A man thrives better in a family where God is tyhe head.
We are in the mission to bring the Good News to our lost youths
In these times the importance of salvation has been overlooked. Our kids have gone away and are hooked up with lots of evil things right before our eyes.
The Word
At Perfect Mission Ministries the Word Of God is our foundation
The vital source of wisdom and knowledge that man needs to be liberated fro all his woes are through the word of God. There is no need for God word to be watered down to a motivational speech
The Assembly
Forsake not the Assembly
Thou shall not forsake the assembly of the brethren. In the presence of God there is fullnes of joe and at his right hand there are pleassures evermore.
Our Children
Our Children are Gods gift to Us
At moission Perfection Ministries we celebrate our children as we understand that they are Gods gift to us
The Virteous Woman
The role of a woman in a family and the church is not overemphasised and God said in his word that He that findeth a wife findeth a good thing and obtain favour fron God.